How To Promote Your YouTube Channel

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Now you’ve created a YouTube channel. How do you get people to subscribe? You really wanna get at least 100 subscribers before YouTube pays any attention to your channel. So how do you get people there? How do you get people to subscribe?

Well, number one thing you should be thinking about is making sure your content is good so people would want to keep coming back anyway. If your videos are boring, then they really have no reason to subscribe. But that being said, let’s say you’ve got some good videos on there, you’ve got some good content. I jotted down a few ways to help encourage you to share that your channel exists.

Include an invite in all your emails. Put the invite either under your signature or above your signature. You would have “please subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss anything.” So try your email.  

Include a Subscribe Now feature on every video that you record there. YouTube provides end connotations that you can add in when you’re uploading the video. So make sure you always click on the subscribe button that YouTube will put on the video for you during the video when you’re recording the video. Tell people what you want them to do. Give them the call to action, like, and subscribe for more videos. Tell them, lead them there.

Create some really cool social media graphics that you can paste on your other platforms where you have a large presence. You can use something easy like Canva and just say, “Hey everybody, don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel.” Make sure you put the link in there so it’s a one click easy thing because people don’t wanna go looking for it.

Invite people during interviews and things like that when you’re recording those types of videos, testimonial videos, things like that.

Put your YouTube handle in on printed media like business cards or things like that that you hand out to people already. For example, my YouTube channel is So you would put that on your card so people know where to find you.

These are just some real quick and easy tips you can start doing today.

For more information about how to grow a YouTube presence, obviously like and subscribe to this video so you don’t miss any of my tips. And visit at


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