Why Putting Your Content On Multiple Platforms Is So Important

Hi, everybody. Danelle Brown with Queen Bee Consulting. I’m here to talk to you today about the importance of putting your content on multiple platforms. Now, we all know what happened last week with the shutdown with Facebook, and a lot of people were in a panic. Fortunately, I was not worried. I help my clients put their content on multiple platforms. If you are making sure to hit multiple platforms, then one being down will not be a big deal. Speaking of platforms, the one I really want to focus on today is video.

Video is the next best thing to being there in person. And when you put your videos on YouTube, for example, a different platform, not just Facebook, you’re also searchable on Google, which is very, very important in order to get your content to more people. You can also use that same video to upload to LinkedIn or Twitter or any other platform where your target market is hanging out.

A common question I get, is how long should the video be? And that’s the big question. According to a recent study, 37% of videos are watched when they’re in the one to four minute timeframe. And that’s great. You can keep your message clear and concise. But the next closest popular amount of time, which was 22% of people, said they enjoyed watching videos that were 10 to 19 minutes long. The only way that works though, is if you keep your content engaging, relevant, entertaining, and really bring the information that people want to the video. They’ll keep watching if you’re giving them what they want.

Now, another question people keep asking me, “Well, how do I get started?” It’s very simple. You don’t need a lot of equipment. For example, I’m shooting this on my iPhone. You just need a phone. And a tripod is very important. And if you don’t have good lighting, get a ring light. They’re not expensive. You can find them on Amazon.

One of the biggest pushbacks when it comes to video that I hear from people is, “I have no idea what to say, or I’m too scared. I’m really nervous about being on video.” And I get it. I get it. You got to really get over your fears and jump in with both feet. Maybe in the beginning, it won’t be the best, but you will get better in time. Now, a good friend of mine, his name is Tom Bailey, has a company called Succeed Through Speaking. And he has a five-step plan that he can help you get over your fears and focus on what you need to do to reach your target market. Click here for the link so you can sign up.

His next program introduction is November 4th and it’s FREE. You literally can’t lose anything here. All you got to do is listen to what the man has to say. It’s completely virtual. You don’t have to go anywhere. Listen to what he has to say. Once you get over your fears and you need help with your video, that’s when you call me.

So again, make sure you’re putting your content on multiple platforms. Video really is the place to be because that’s how you connect with your audience. They can still see your face, hear your voice and start to form that relationship with you. If you have any questions, contact me today!


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